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Holm Christine B Wcropped
Christine Holm

Christine was raised in southcentral Wisconsin and attended UW-Madison. While working for Social Security Disability after college, she started writing and studying poetry. She earned an MFA in Poetry from Arizona State University, where she redeveloped Poesia del Sol, a writing project with palliative-care patients at Mayo Hospital, and co-designed a college-level creative writing class with incarcerated writers at Florence Correctional. In her work with the Division of Extension's FoodWIse program, Christine focused on health communications while learning more about art in public health and blending initiatives where creativity and community-connection coincide. She is a long-time volunteer at Madison Central Library's Bubbler, supporting community-focused art projects like Our Town Everywhere. Christine was awarded a 2024 Arts for Healthy Minds mini-grant, for her creative arts research project, Imperative Stitches: Quilting to Mark Passages, which will be featured at Center for Healthy Minds annual event The World We Make 2024.