Do Tromp
Do Tromp
Graduate Student, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Do provides image analysis and processing pipeline optimization advice for the Center, in order to investigate brain connectivity and white matter development.

Her interest is focused on understanding the neural substrates that underlie normal and abnormal brain functioning. She uses state of the art imaging methods, like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to examine alterations in white-matter structure.

More specifically, Do is interested in investigating the connectivity that underlies affective processing in the brain. On the side, she is also interested in the intersection between tech and health, and wants to develop novel tools to investigate and forecast healthy behaviors.

Do grew up and went to college in the Netherlands, where she received degrees in psychology and neuroscience.


Ph.D., Neuroscience Training Program, University of Wisconsin–Madison (2013 – current)

M.S.c., Neuroscience & Cognition, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (2007 – 2010)

B.S.c., Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience & Science and Innovation Management, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (2002 – 2007)
