Emily Urban
Emily Urban-Wojcik
Honorary Fellow, Center for Healthy Minds

September 2018 - July 2022

Emily is a Social Psychologist with a specialty in Affective Science. She currently is the Statistician Lead, Data & Design Core in the Eisenberg Family Depression Center, University of Michigan.

She worked with Stacey Schaefer on the Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) neuroscience project team investigating how emotional and cognitive functioning influence health and well-being.

Emily's program of research focuses on how emotional functioning at experiential, behavioral and neural levels impacts well-being and how various individual differences influence these relationships. Her research methodology includes assessments of subjective emotional experiences, implementation of experimental designs and measurement of the neurobiological and psychophysiological bases of emotion and cognition.


Ph.D., Social & Personality Psychology, University of California, Irvine