Geshe Ngawang Norbu was born in Lugsum, a Tibetan Settlement in Bylakuppe, Karnataka State of India. In 1985, at the age of 11, he joined Sera Jey Monastery, and in 1992, he enrolled in Sera Jey Monastic University for Advanced Buddhist Studies. In 2004, he attended the Science Workshop organized by the organization Science for Monks, and in 2008 he was selected for the Emory-Tibet Science Initiative Workshop. In 2010, he received the Tenzin Gyatso Scholarship to attend Emory University to complete the ETSI Science Studies Program from 2010 to 2013. In 2014, he graduated with the Geshe Lingtse degree of Buddhist Studies from Sera Jey Monastic University. From 2018 to 2021, he served as Director for the Sera Jey Modern Education Department; and in 2024, he became Secretary of the Buddhist Institute of the Geluk International Foundation. In his capacity of serving the Tukdam Study, in 2019, he was appointed as the Field Team Supervisor for Unit A of the Russian Team Lab of the Tukdam Collaborative Study with CHM. Unit A coordinates the Bylakuppe region monasteries, including Sera Mey & Sera Jey, Tashi Lhunpo, and Gyudmed monasteries. In 2024, he was appointed Associate Director of the Tukdam Study, while still serving as Field Team Supervisor for Unit A. He also serves as a researcher in the Concentrative and Analytical Meditation Study as part of the Emory-Tibet Science Initiative Research Program.
Geshe Lingtse, Buddhist Studies, Sera Jey Monastic University
Emory-Tibet Science Initiative Program Graduate, Emory University
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A global community of field researchers are collaborating on a study of an ancient monastic post-mortem meditative state known as tukdam, practiced by present-day expert Tibetan Buddhists and how such a practice might offer insight into mental, spiritual, and physical well-being during the death process, both for the dying and for their support community.