Sin U is a Ph.D. student in Counseling Psychology and a research assistant under close supervision of Simon Goldberg at the Center for Healthy Minds.
Sin U has an abiding interest in clinical science and practice and is committed to mental health promotion through mindfulness-based interventions. As an international student coming from Macau S.A.R. in China, her long-term research goal is to develop effective and culturally responsive mindfulness-based interventions for under-resourced populations in developing mental health systems in an international context.
Sin U’s exposure to contemplative practice came through her clinical training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) at the Family Institute and research experiences studying self-compassion in Dr. Richard Zinbarg’s lab during her master's program at Northwestern University.
Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (US)
M.A., Counseling, Northwestern University (US)
B.S., Psychology, Peking University (China)
What does well-being mean to me?
"A way of responding rather than reacting from our traumas with acceptance, meaning, and resilience."