Zishan is a graduate student working with Dr. Simon Goldberg. His primary research interests involves understanding the social determinants of meditation access and utilization. In other words, why do some individuals choose to engage with meditation whereas others don't. Additionally, Zishan is interested in understanding how other factors such as motivation for meditation practice or type of meditation practice influences engagement and outcomes related to meditation. He has also served as a Teaching Assistant for the Art and Science of Human Flourishing Course. Prior to his engagement with research, Zishan worked in international development in East Africa and India. He is committed to social justice and equity and hopes to bring that perspective to his work at CHM.
M.A., Psychology, The New School for Social Research
B.S., International Relations & Economics, Seton Hall University
What does well-being mean to me?
"Well-being is the capacity to understand the nature of mind and accept whatever comes up."