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AWAKENED ACTION: Women Leaders Speak to the Climate Catastrophe and Pandemic and Explore Strategies for a Sane, Just, and Compassionate Future

Jun 21 to 12:00AM

The Loka Initiative is a co-sponsor of this event.

Dekila Chungyalpa, Director of the Loka Initiative will present as part of the online event, AWAKENED ACTION: Women Leaders Speak to the Climate Catastrophe and Pandemic and Explore Strategies for a Sane, Just, and Compassionate Future. The event's program plunges deep into the facts, faith, and politics around our climate catastrophe and the effects of climate change and the pandemic on our shared future. It will examine the similarities between what climate change and COVID-19 expose.

Other presenters include Christiana Figueres, Jane Fonda, Roshi Joan Halifax, Sensei Wendy Johnson, Sensei Kritee Kanko, Stephanie Kaza, Diana Liverman, Joanna Macy, Rebecca Solnit and Heather McTeer Toney.

The program will include key presentations and talks from climate scientists, perspectives from long-term contemplatives and environmentalists, and insights from social historians. There will be presentations, meditation, Q&A from participants, panel discussions, plus a reader and reading list. In addition, registered participants have access to the program recordings after the event. 

  • The event will use the Zoom platform for all three talks; participants will receive the zoom link within 48 hours of the start of the program.
  • Participants will receive details about the technical aspects of this retreat.
  • Schedule from 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. MT.
  • A reading list and readings will be provided.

Learn more and Register. Donations are encouraged.