Media Coverage: 2021

One Earth Sangha
Remedies for Fatalistic Indifference: An Interview with Pamela Ayo Yetunde and Dekila Chungyalpa
Jun 25, 2021
Loka Director Dekila Chungyalpa interviews Pamela Ayo Yetunde in a discussion that explores the power of radical non-discrimination as a catalyst for change at every level.
How to Curb Your Mind's Negative Habits
Jun 14, 2021
Center collaborator Pelin Kesebir talks about dispositional negativity and things you can do to help curb your mind’s negative habits
Mind Life Podcast
The Human-Earth Connection
May 21, 2021
Loka Director Dekila Chungylapa shares her views of nature, the climate crisis and her unique collaborations with faith leaders through the Loka Initiative on this podcast.
A Post-Pandemic View of Mental Health
May 19, 2021
Center Founder and Director Richard Davidson discusses research that shows that mental health and well-being can be thought of as a set of skills that we have the ability to learn
Center For Humans And Nature
At the center of all things is interdependence
May 18, 2021
Dekila Chungyalpa, Director of the Loka Initiative, explores the central Buddhist concept of interdependence, the awareness that we exist not only in interdependence with one another but with all of nature
Living By Design
Healthy By Design Interview with Richard Davidson
May 15, 2021
Living By Design spoke with Center Founder and Director Richard Davidson about the benefits of meditation and learning the skills that promote flourishing.
Channel3000 Web
In pursuit of mindfulness
Apr 28, 2021
Center Founder and Director Richard Davidson identifies four societal threats to that “flourishing” that can negatively impact our lives and thinking and four skills that can be developed to promote well-being and resilience.
Wkow Web
Chris Borland and Chad McGehee collaborate to bring meditation practices to UW athletics
Apr 15, 2021
The University of Wisconsin became the first and only school in the country to hire a full-time meditation specialist. Center collaborator Chad McGehee works with all student-athletes at Wisconsin on their mental game, based on Center's research
Cnn Web
Fiancé of woman killed in 2017 by a Minneapolis cop reacts to Chauvin's trial
Apr 06, 2021
Center research on mindfulness training in police departments is discussed 13 minutes into this discussion between Anderson Cooper and Don Damond, the fiance of a meditation teacher killed by Minneapolis police officer in 2017
It's worth starting your meditation practice right now. Here's why.
Mar 29, 2021
Center Founder and Director Richard Davidson discusses why meditation is beneficial, including improved mental health and reducing implicit bias.
Nbc15 Web
Finding hope during a pandemic
Mar 22, 2021
Honorary Fellow Pelin Kesebir discusses how hope can be used as fuel to continue to keep pressing on during challenging times.
The Zen of competition
Mar 19, 2021
Center collaborator Chad McGehee talks about using meditation and mindfulness to strengthen and condition the mind in athletes to improve performance.
Badger Herald Web
UWPD to require additional vetting for officers at UW football games
Mar 12, 2021
Center Scientist Dan Grupe talks about research with UWPD and other police departments in Dane County to determine the impact of mindfulness meditation training to reduce the use of force by officers.
Tricycle Logo
Becoming a Buddhist Climate Scientist
Mar 10, 2021
Dekila Chungyalpa, director of the Loka Initiative, talks about her work with religious and indigenous leaders, scientists, and policymakers to design community-based environmental and climate programs. She also discusses how she relies on Buddhist Buddhist teachings on emptiness, impermanence, non-attachment and compassion to sustain her during times of eco-anxiety and distress.
Wall Street Journal Web
Forget what you think happiness is
Mar 05, 2021
Center Founder and Director Richard J. Davidson discusses the importance of taking care of mental health through meditation, just as we exercise for physical health.
Speaking Of Psychology
Speaking of Psychology: How meditation can help you live a flourishing life, with Richard Davidson, PhD
Mar 03, 2021
Center Founder and Director Richard Davidson joins the Speaking of Psychology podcast to discuss the research behind meditation and well-being, how meditation affects the brain and the four pillars of well-being
Bbc Crowd Science
Can being happy help me fight infection?
Feb 05, 2021
Center Founder and Director Richard Davidson discusses research that suggests cultivating well-being could improve immunity.
Health Gig Podcast
Nourishing the Mind with Richie Davidson- Founder and Director, Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin-Madiso‪n‬
Feb 03, 2021
Center Founder and Director Richard Davidson joins the Health Gig Podcast to discuss the pillars of well-being and how people can cultivate these skills in their daily life.
Wuwm Muilwaukee Public Radio
What Wisconsin Education Advocates Want To See From The Next State Superintendent
Jan 26, 2021
Tony Chambers, Director of Equity, Inclusion and Innovation at the Center, discusses what he hopes to see from the next Wisconsin State Superintendent in order to increase diversity and equity in schools.
Nbc15 Web
Tactics to fight anxiety and stress in the wake of a tumultuous election
Jan 25, 2021
Cortland Dahl, research Scientist at the Center, shares tips for infusing positivity into your day in order to reduce stress and anxiety
Netzwerk Ethikheute
Why meditation changes the brain
Jan 24, 2021
Center Founder and Director Richard Davidson and Mingyur Rinpoche talk about the science of meditation and how improving the skills of awareness and compassion and improve well-being.
Psychiatric Times
Can Happiness Be Taught?
Jan 21, 2021
Center Founder and Director Richard Davidson talks about neuroplasticity and the four skills that can be learned to improve well-being