Be a Research Participant in The Asthma and Brain Health Study
Help us understand how asthma affects brain health and long-term risk for dementia.

About the Study:
- Lead Researcher: Dr. Melissa Rosenkranz
- How many people will be in the study? 100
- Arrangements as needed for each visit:
- For visits longer than 4 hours, you will be given a meal and/or snacks.
- If needed, childcare assistance may be provided during study visits.
- Transportation assistance will be provided if needed.
Purpose of the Study:
The purpose of this study is to learn about how asthma influences brain function, especially activation of a type of immune cell in the brain called microglia. We know that asthma causes airway inflammation.
This reaction may lead to chest tightness, coughing and wheezing. We are doing this study to better understand how airway inflammation affects the brain.
We will look at whether inflammation is related to symptoms of depression and anxiety. We will also look at whether inflammation affects things like memory or attention.
We hope this will help us understand how asthma affects brain health and long-term risk for dementia.
Severe Asthma and Non-Asthma Participants Needed
What are some reasons I may – or may not – want to be in this study?
You MAY want to be in this study if you are: |
You may NOT want to be in this study if you: |
Inclusion criteria:
- 18 to 75 years old
- Nonsmoker
- Have severe asthma
- Do not have asthma
- Number of visits: 3
- Compensation: up to $210
- Study duration: up to 2 weeks
- Procedures: The research team will ask you to come to our research center located within the UW Hospital and Clinics building for 3 visits. You will complete questionnaires, computer tasks, allergy skin test, and breathing tests. You will give a sputum sample once, and you will give a total of two blood samples. You will also complete brain imaging scans including PET/MRI and a separate MRI only scan.
Interested in Participating?
If you are interested in this study, or would like more information, please contact us at (608) 263-0524 or [email protected], or follow the QR code to complete a brief survey. Click here for survey.
You will be contacted if you might qualify for this or any of our other allergy or asthma research studies.

Please feel free to share this information with anyone who might be interested in learning more about this study.
The University of Wisconsin Asthma, Allergy, and Pulmonary Research
Thank you for helping us improve the lives of people with asthma!