Kindness Curriculum with Kids

Center for Healthy Minds education experts and partners share insights and research findings from their projects in the classroom, including a three-year study focused on classroom training in attention and emotion regulation for elementary school students and their teachers.


Lisa Thomas Prince is an outreach specialist at the Center and assists in the development and implementation of programs that provide training in mindfulness-based practices for Center research studies. Lisa brings 15 years of experience in schools teaching French, Spanish and English as a Second Language (ESL). She is particularly interested in bringing cultural relevancy to the training elements. Lisa is also an instructor of Mindfulness for Middle Schoolers with the UW Health Mindfulness Program.

Matt Hirshberg is a graduate student at the Center and works on the 4th and 5th-grade mindfulness study with teachers and students. Matt’s dissertation study, a collaboration between the Center and the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, is examining a novel training on the well-being and classroom management skills of preservice teachers. Prior to entering grad school to engage in research, Matt was a middle school teacher in Massachusetts.

Sara Knueve has spent the last 15 years as a community and school social worker. She facilitates social emotional learning, mindfulness, and positive behavior support at the both district and school levels. Currently, she works at Glendale Elementary in the role of Student Service Coordinator. She is also the founder of Cedarwood Healing, where she practices equine gestalt coaching and teaches mindfulness classes.

Cassie Hoover is a special education teacher at Glendale Elementary School. She was introduced to mindfulness through a mindfulness-based stress reduction class and the Center's work. Cassie has been practicing and incorporating mindfulness into the classroom for the past two years.

Amber Fiene has been teaching at Glendale Elementary for four years. She is certified to teach 1st-8th grade ESL and regular education, and specializes in bilingual education. Amber is focusing on bringing mindfulness practices into the classroom in a relevant manner to all students.

The presentation is part of the Center’s new Knowledge Series, which provides an opportunity for Center supporters to meet Center staff and learn more about current Center research studies and initiatives.