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Meditation Water Color Web
Research Findings
Researchers Call Attention to Need for More Rigorous Mindfulness-Based Research
November 15, 2017

A Center team is examining the quality of meditation research across time to look at whether study designs are improving

Richard Davidson meets with graduate students by David Nevala
Davidson Elected to National Academy of Medicine
October 16, 2017

The National Academy of Medicine, the premier authority dedicated to the health and medical sciences, has nominated Richard Davidson to become a member based on his outstanding professional achievements and commitment to service in the field

Meditation Wp
Well-Being in Adults
Meditation May Decrease the Risk of Heart Disease
September 28, 2017

Meditation may decrease the risk of heart disease, according to a first-ever statement on the practice issued by the American Heart Association, with contributions from the Center for Healthy Minds

Epigenetics Aging Web
Mind, Brain and Emotion
The Epigenetic Aging Clock Runs Slower in Meditators, Study Suggests
September 8, 2017

A new study is the first to suggest that the long-term practice of meditation may slow down the epigenetic clock in immune cells

Chim Krakora  Studios Children In classroom
Well-Being in Children
Kindness Curriculum Released for Greater Well-Being in the Classroom
August 28, 2017

The Center is releasing its mindfulness-based “Kindness Curriculum” for teachers and parents to implement with their preschoolers

Mountain Web
Well-Being in Adults
A Blow to Well-Being? Nature Words Disappearing from Books, Films and Songs
June 27, 2017

Researchers find a steady decrease in references to the natural world in music, literature and film