
Chim Krakora  Studios Children In classroom
Well-Being in Children
Kindness Curriculum Released for Greater Well-Being in the Classroom
August 28, 2017

The Center is releasing its mindfulness-based “Kindness Curriculum” for teachers and parents to implement with their preschoolers

Mountain Web
Well-Being in Adults
A Blow to Well-Being? Nature Words Disappearing from Books, Films and Songs
June 27, 2017

Researchers find a steady decrease in references to the natural world in music, literature and film

Emotion Spillover Web
Mind, Brain and Emotion
Scientists Find Area of the Brain Responsible for Emotional Spillover
June 16, 2017

Researchers are discovering what happens in the brain when emotional spillover occurs and, for the first time, are able to pinpoint areas directly responsible

Wood Puzzle
Learning Well-Being
Project Explores How Mindfulness Training Can Boost Creativity and Well-Being in Engineering Grad Students
May 25, 2017

Graduate students who underwent the intervention reported an increase in personal qualities associated with creativity

Baby Holding Hand
Research Findings
Postpartum Depression May be Prevented When Mindfulness is Part of Childbirth Education
May 17, 2017

Our Center's research findings suggest mindfulness training that addresses fear and pain during childbirth improves childbirth experiences and lessens depression symptoms

Twins Web
Mind, Brain and Emotion
Healthy Minds Brief: Twin Research Suggests How Stress Shapes the Adolescent Brain
March 15, 2017

How do our experiences in childhood shape our brains and coping styles in adulthood?