Predicting the Effectiveness of Therapists

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Supported by a grant from the Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, this study examines the correlates of therapist differences (i.e., therapist effects) in naturalistic psychotherapy. 

The research includes an assessment of a variety of candidate therapist characteristics, including administering several non-self-report behavioral and performance tasks. These measures will be used to predict the outcomes of patients treated by these therapists in hopes of gaining insight regarding therapist factors that are associated with superior outcomes in psychotherapy that can be used to inform personnel selection and training.

People Working on This Study

Simon Goldberg
Core Faculty at the Center for Healthy Minds, Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology
Riordan Web
Kevin M. Riordan
Graduate Student, Department of Counseling Psychology

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Goldberg, S. B., Hoyt, W. T., Nissen-Lie, H., Nielsen, S. L., & Wampold, B. E. (2018). Unpacking the therapist effect: Impact of treatment length differs for high- and low-performing therapists. Psychotherapy Research, 28(4), 532-44. doi:10.1080/10503307.2016.1216625
Schöttke, H., Flückiger, C., Goldberg, S. B., Eversmann, J., & Lange, J. (2017). Predicting psychotherapy outcome based on therapist interpersonal skills: A five-year longitudinal study of a therapist assessment protocol. Psychotherapy Research, 27(6), 642-52. doi:10.1080/10503307.2015.1125546
Goldberg, S. B., Flemotomos, N., Martinez, V. R., Tanana, M., Kuo, P., Pace, B. T.,…& Atkins, D. C. (2020). Machine learning and natural language processing in psychotherapy research: Alliance as example use case. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 67(4), 438-448. doi:10.1037/cou0000382. PMCID:PMC7393999
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