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News: Research Findings

meditation pose woods Mitchell-Joyce Flickr CC-WEB
Research Findings
Mindfulness Meditation May Provide Relief From Chronic Inflammation
January 16, 2013

A Center study suggests mindfulness meditation may provide relief from chronic inflammation

Photo of thorn by Girlguyed via Flickr
Research Findings
Meditation Expertise Changes Experience of Pain
November 15, 2012

Meditation can change the way a person experiences pain, according to a new study by the Center

Photo of girl laying on a couch by Sodanie Chea via Flickr
Research Findings
Early Stress May Sensitize Girls’ Brains for Later Anxiety
November 11, 2012

High levels of family stress in infancy are linked to differences in everyday brain function and anxiety in teenage girls

Stressed Teen Web
Research Findings
Stress May Delay Brain Development in Early Years
June 6, 2012

Stress may affect brain development in children, according to new research from the Center

Parts of the brain by Allan Ajifo via Flickr
Research Findings
Changing Brains for the Better
April 17, 2012

There are practices that can change our brains for the better, according to new Center research

Photo of a man looking up and daydreaming by benprks via Flickr
Research Findings
A Wandering Mind Reveals Mental Processes and Priorities
March 15, 2012

What are the costs when our minds wander?