News: Research Findings

Crystals Of Kaydor Environment
Learning Well-Being
Video Game Can Change the Brain, May Improve Empathy in Middle School Children
August 7, 2018

Can video games teach prosocial skills such as empathy? A new study from the Center for Healthy Minds suggests that it's possible

Water Splash On Black Background
Mind, Brain and Emotion
Meditation Affects Brain Networks Differently in Long-Term Meditators and Novices
July 23, 2018

In one of the largest studies to date on the topic, research from the Center for Healthy Minds suggests that meditation affects the brains of long-term meditators and novices differently

White Matter Matters
Well-Being in Children
White Matter Matters, Especially for Newborns
February 20, 2018

New research suggests that expectant mothers' mental health symptoms during pregnancy may affect their infants' brain development

Athesma Video Background
Well-Being in Adults
Researchers Investigate How a Stressed Brain Can Make Asthma Worse
November 30, 2017

Center researchers are investigating cross-talk between the brain and lungs of people with asthma to understand how psychological stress can make asthma worse

Madison Police Department
Well-Being in Adults
Mindful Policing Research Expands with New Grant from National Institute of Justice
November 29, 2017

A new study will bring a better scientific understanding of the unique stressors facing police officers

Meditation Water Color Web
Research Findings
Researchers Call Attention to Need for More Rigorous Mindfulness-Based Research
November 15, 2017

A Center team is examining the quality of meditation research across time to look at whether study designs are improving