News: Well-Being In Children

20171002 Chm 9202
Mind, Brain and Emotion
Expectant Mothers’ Mental Health May Shape Neural Highways in Infants’ Brains
August 27, 2018

Findings from the Center for Healthy Minds suggest that expectant mothers' mental health may influence the white matter development in the brain of her child

Crystals Of Kaydor Environment
Learning Well-Being
Video Game Can Change the Brain, May Improve Empathy in Middle School Children
August 7, 2018

Can video games teach prosocial skills such as empathy? A new study from the Center for Healthy Minds suggests that it's possible

Jail Visit Web
Well-Being in Children
Enhancing Jail Visits Through Interdisciplinary Interventions
May 14, 2018

Center for Healthy Minds professor Julie Poehlmann-Tynan has received funding to improve outcomes for children's visits with their incarcerated parents

Child Development Announcement Web
Funding Announcements
New Study Examines the Stress of Poverty on Children
May 4, 2018

A new research project will address what experiences affect brain development during the first two years of life for disadvantaged children.

White Matter Matters
Well-Being in Children
White Matter Matters, Especially for Newborns
February 20, 2018

New research suggests that expectant mothers' mental health symptoms during pregnancy may affect their infants' brain development

Chim Krakora  Studios Children In classroom
Well-Being in Children
Kindness Curriculum Released for Greater Well-Being in the Classroom
August 28, 2017

The Center is releasing its mindfulness-based “Kindness Curriculum” for teachers and parents to implement with their preschoolers