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Well-Being in Infants and Children

How can we set children up for the best success and well-being later in life?

A growing body of evidence points to the importance of emotion regulation early in life for healthy social and decision-making skills throughout the lifespan.

We know the brain changes throughout life, but there are sensitive periods of development when the brain is more pliable – between birth and 2 years of age, between 4 and 6 years of age, and around puberty. These are areas our researchers are especially interested in influencing to promote well-being in children and throughout adulthood.

We’re committed to learning the best ways to promote well-being in expecting mothers, infants, children and families through pioneering research on how the brain develops in the months following birth and in the first years of life. We're studying how curricula such as our mindfulness-based Kindness Curriculum affect children’s social and educational experiences for the better and whether video games may help build skills in empathy and attention.

Ongoing Studies

Infant and mother for Baby Brain and Behavior Project
Baby Brain and Behavior Project

Our researchers are learning more about how very early experiences influence the developing brain and child well-being.

Mother Helping Her Daughter Do Yoga
Exploring the Impact of an In-Home Parent-Child Mindfulness Training Program

What impacts does an in-home parent-child mindfulness training program have on children and their families?

Atenta Mente2
Improving School Climate and Children’s Well-Being through Mindfulness-Based Curricula in Mexico

What impact does well-being curricula have on educators and the students they serve? The Center for Healthy Minds is teaming up with AtentaMente, a Mexico-based group of multidisciplinary professionals, to find out.

Young Children In Computer Class
Investigating Neuroplasticity Associated with Cognitive Training in Young Children

How does a cognitive training program impact brain development in 6-year-old children?

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Understanding Poverty’s Impact on the Developing Brain

How does chronic stress impact a child's social, behavioral and cognitive development?